The industry is gearing up for a large move to Outdoor EMV. This industry changing effort will involve major coordination between all Vendors and Companies; Point of Sale (POS), Processor Networks, Managed Network Service Providers (MNSP), Major Oil Brands, Retailers, and Consumers. At Verifone, we want to make sure our customers have up-to-date information about our readiness to supply outdoor EMV capable software.
The chart below shows the current status of Verifone’s certification and readiness by Major Oil Brand/Processor Network, as well as by DCR's, OPT's and CRINDS. Please note these are target dates and can change if there are barriers to implementation. If you need more information, please contact your Verifone sales representative.
Note, that in order to install and enable outdoor EMV, there are suggested steps that need to be taken to prepare the site. Please review these prerequisites below the chart and ensure you take necessary steps to prepare the site.